Naval was such a cutie during his cake smash photoshoot, he was so inquisitive and cheeky! Naval was way more interesting in crawling off from his cake than he was eating it but it doesn’t matter either way, because he was so darn cute!
Naval’s parent’s requested a ‘king’ theme cake smash with a cape and a crown and sent over some examples of the style they wanted for their cake smash set. Naval had other idea’s about the crown though, he was very insistent that it wasn’t staying on his head.
Here are a few of my favourite images from Naval’s cake smash photoshoot to celebrate his 1st birthday -

Are you looking for a cake smash photographer to capture your babies 1st birthday cake smash photoshoot?
I’m Lea, I specialise in cake smash photography and would love to capture your babies cake smash!
You can secure your cake smash photoshoot slot below, Once you’ve chosen your slot you will be able to fill in my booking form which will allow me to prepare for your session. Everything is provided for the session, so you don’t have to worry about anything!
There is an option to upgrade to collection 2 & 3 once you’ve seen your gallery.
I’m based in Willenhall, near Wolverhampton within the West Midlands, UK